Email Archiving

Email Archiving

Easily preserve crucial email data and attachments.

Searchable, Scalable, Cloud-based Archiving Service

PeachWiz Email Archiving adds significant value for your customers and a high-margin, sticky add-on for you. Email archiving is a best-practice for companies of any size in any industry. It helps businesses protect themselves from intellectual property loss when employees leave, reduces the burden on IT when users need to recover deleted emails and attachments, and provides a layer of protection against the high cost of audits and legal discovery.

As a perfect add-on to bundle with any email sale, the time to implement an archive is before you need it, and your customers will thank you for recommending it in retrospect. To maximize your success, we've compiled high-quality marketing materials into an archiving campaign-in-a-box to make it easy to market this service to your customers.

Email Archiving gives you significant capabilities and protections over native archiving provided in Office 365

Data preservation

With Office 365, data is editable in the Exchange Online Archive, and end users can add and delete messages at any time. With Email Archiving, you can preserve every sent and received message and all file attachments using WORM-compliant storage that cannot be altered

File attachments

With Office 365, index and search capabilities only support 50 types of Microsoft file attachments. With Email Archiving, you get archiving support for over 500 types of file attachments and the content is indexed as well.

Deleted mailboxes

With Office 365, deleted emails are held for 14 days and after 30 days, all data is purged from inactive mailboxes.

Search capabilities

With Office 365, searches are limited to 10,000 mailboxes, search results are limited to 250 records, concurrent searches are limited to two, and searches time out after 10 minutes. With Email Archiving, there are no limitations on the number of mailboxes per search, no limitations on the volume of results per search, no concurrent search limits and no time-out restrictions.

Data flexibility

With office 365, data can only be exported as a PST file requiring conversion to other formats. With Email Archiving, you can export data in multiple file formats, including PST, EML, NSF, PDF, HTML and TXT.

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